The Children’s University programme is a charity that works in partnership with schools like Bilston C of E to develop a love of learning amongst the most disadvantaged children. The Children’s University experience has a significant role to play in raising Pupil Premium children’s aspirations and awareness of university, in particular among those with little or no family experience of higher education. This is a fantastic opportunity for them to have their extra-curricular efforts and achievements rewarded by the University of Wolverhampton whilst also raising their awareness of higher education and the wealth of opportunities available to them in the future.
Each key stage two child enrolled in the programme has a ‘Passport to Learning’ which they keep in school. These passports are used to collect hours of learning towards recognised levels of achievement. Recognition of effort and achievement is central to the programme’s success and each time the child completes a learning activity, they receive a stamp in their Passport to Learning. One hour of learning equals one Children’s University credit. Once children have collected enough credits in their passports, they will have the opportunity to attend a graduation style ceremony at the University of Wolverhampton to be presented with their bronze, silver or gold certificates.
Children's University Certificate Levels
Hours of learning can easily be accrued through activities offered both in and out of school. These may be lunchtime and after school clubs or those offered by other organisations such as music lessons, Scouts, Brownies or sports and dance clubs for example.
In addition, there are many virtual activities which your children can take part in free of charge. Please visit: to access a wide range of resources organised by category. Categories include arts, culture and music, languages, sport, careers and science for example. In addition, if you navigate to the ‘Find an Activity’ tab of the website, you can search for a wide range of local and online activities such as ‘Colourful World’ – a fun computer game which allows you to help animals who have become homeless or ill due to their habitat being changed by human activity whilst learning about environmental issues. Activity link:
Furthermore, if you follow the Children’s University Facebook pages:
there are regular updates about new activities and opportunities for your children to participate in.
Furthermore, there are opportunities for children participating in the programme to visit the University of Wolverhampton and take part in exciting events and gain first hand experience of what a university campus is like. Take a look in the downloads section below to find out about a recent trip year 5 children took to the University where they became scientists for the day!