Pupil Premium

The pupil premium grant is funding to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in state-funded schools in England. - GOV.UK - Pupil Premium: Overview
Pupil Premium at Bilston CE Primary School:
Our intention is clear; we strive for all pupils, regardless of their socioeconomic background, to make good progress and achieve their full potential, this includes ensuring that our higher attainers also achieve in line with their ability. The challenges faced by our disadvantaged pupils are identified by robust diagnostic assessment. They are reviewed regularly and are therefore reflective of our current cohort and we, as a whole school community, understand and work together to address them.
Eligibility for Pupil Premium Funding:
Taken from GOV.UK - Pupil Premium: Overview
The following groups are eligible for pupil premium:
Pupils who are recorded as eligible for free school meals, or have been recorded as eligible in the past 6 years, including eligible children of families who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
Children looked after by local authorities, referred to as looked-after children
Children previously looked after by a local authority or other state care, referred to as previously looked-after children
Spending the Pupil Premium Grant:
As stated in the conditions of the grant, we follow the Department for Education’s Menu of Approaches based on the Education Endowment Foundation’s Tiered Approach to spending. This ensures that we spend the allocation on 3 key strands:
Teaching - Ensuring high quality first wave teaching for all pupils, from which disadvantaged pupils are known to disproportionally benefit.
Targeted academic support - Where children require additional support, carefully timed and chosen interventions are used to ensure that ‘no child gets left behind’. National Tutoring Programme funding forms part of this and is subsidised by the Pupil Premium Grant. Targeted academic support is also used for those who are working at a greater depth, to ensure that they are given every opportunity to fulfil their potential.
Wider Strategies – Providing our children with experiences, opportunities and pastoral care beyond the classroom. As part of this, we have a pastoral team comprising of staff with various roles to support the pastoral needs of our children. Strategies include: working with external agencies, educational visits, extra-curricular activities, musical instrument tuition, Children’s University and working alongside our Education Welfare Officer and Attendance Officer to ensure that children have good attendance in school.
Further details of how we use our Pupil Premium funding and its impact can be found in the annually published Pupil Premium Strategy at the bottom of this page.
Children’s University Graduation
Friday 14th July 2023 was a fantastic day celebrating the amazing achievements of the Key Stage 2 pupils that took part in the Children’s University programme for this academic year. Staff from the University of Wolverhampton were in attendance to present the children with their award certificates. The graduation took place in the school hall where 102 children from Years 3 – 6 graduated with their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. The children were able to achieve these awards by recording at least thirty hours or more of organised activities that they have taken part in during this academic year. This could have included lunch time clubs; afterschool clubs and trips planned by the school, or outside of school activity clubs such as sports clubs or scouts for example. Parents were invited to commemorate this wonderful occasion and we would like to thank all of those parents who were able to attend to support their children.
Here is the breakdown of the achievements that were obtained by the children during this academic year:
102 children graduated with an award.
102 Bronze Undergraduate Awards
38 Silver Undergraduate Awards
22 Gold Undergraduate Awards
10 Bronze Undergraduate Certificates
2 Silver Undergraduate Certificates
1 Gold Undergraduate Certificates
1 Bronze Undergraduate Diploma
We would like to thank the University of Wolverhampton for kindly providing caps and gowns for the children to wear for the graduation assembly and we look forward to continuing this exciting partnership with the Children’s University programme for the next academic year!

To view our current Pupil Premium Strategy, please follow the link below.