Staff Well Being

The mission of Bilston CE Primary is to increase children’s life chances. Governors and staff members prioritise the educational needs and welfare of pupils. The school considers staff well-being and manageable workload as central to achieving this mission. Ensuring a healthy life-work balance while delivering the identified school improvement priorities is one of the key principles underpinning our approach. The school has identified 10 supports for staff well-being for effective implementation.
Unique features of Bilston CE Primary…Benefits for Teachers & Class-Based support staff
1 Additional PPA time (> 10% for teachers – eg in worship times) cover mostly provided in one block and for all the teachers in the Year group at the same time.
Shared expertise & workload
High quality planning
High quality conversation
Better use of non-directed time
High quality planning for the class
Greater consistency for team teaching
2 Third teachers in every Year group across the school to teach English and Maths.
Shared discussion/ planning
Reduced work-load
Less time spent on adapting teaching
Support for small groups
Pupils making better progress
3 Specialist teachers for (a) music; (b) PE/Swimming; (c) Spanish (d) outdoor learning
Class teacher not having to plan, teach or assess for these subjects.
Reduced workload for planning, teaching and assessment
More time to focus on interventions
Opportunity to work with different teachers
Able to observe subject specialist adapting learning for pupils
4 A full-time Teaching Assistant in every class
High quality support for teaching & learning, and related admin tasks
5 A specialist team of support staff comprising of (a) specialist reading support; (b) speech and language support; and (c) mentoring support for all pupils in the school (mental health) (d) sports health
Better access to curriculum for pupils
Targeted support for pupils
Able to draw on strategies /focus on curriculum
improved pupil progress
Able to focus on different priorities and support interventions
6 Exceptional CPD opportunities during directed/working time (eg coordinator release time) as well as chances to attend training/courses provided by external providers.
Opportunities to develop
Support for professional growth
Opportunities to refresh and gain new knowledge.
Better understanding of other Year groups and pupils in the school.
7 A Year Group budget for general expenditure which teachers spend as they see fit.
Resources for classroom
Useful resources for class
Able to get best possible resources to support great learning
8 Visits out of the classroom each Term
Curriculum enrichment
Cultural capital for pupils
9 A computing technician providing technical and learning support. Up-to-date technology to support learning.
Reduced teacher stress
Support with development of IT skills
Support available when needed
Equipment ready for use
CPD opportunities for all
10 A spacious and modern working environment with a designated annexes designed for additional teaching space.
Space to work with groups and individuals
Conducive / pleasant environment
Able to support pupils learning
11 Well Beings Day/s – 1 per year as well as half a day given (per term) for 100% full term attendance. Time given for medical appointments as well as own children’s school appointments
12 Staff refreshments provided free of charge (drinks/snacks, etc)
The school is fully committed to ensuring the highest level of well-being for all staff members, and will ensure that everyone benefits from the above.